Anticoagulation (Warfarin Monitoring) LCS


Anticoagulation (Warfarin Monitoring) LCS

The aim of the Anticoagulation (Warfarin Monitoring) Locally Commissioned Service (LCS) is to offer a therapeutic anticoagulation monitoring service to Enfield patients who are receiving VKA (Warfarin) anticoagulant therapy.

The objectives are to:

  • To provide increased capacity in the community to meet the appropriate demand for anticoagulation monitoring
  • To improve the quality and accessibility of care to patients receiving anticoagulation therapy
  • To meet local and national guidance with respect to providing a safe anticoagulation service
  • To provide optimum care in terms of INR control
  • To provide a service that is near to patients and is easily accessible
  • To utilise dosing technology such as computerised decision support software (CDSS) e.g. INR Star
  • To provide continuing patient education in understanding their treatment in terms of the condition requiring Warfarin, target INR range, the effects of over or under anti-coagulation, diet, lifestyle, and drug interactions.