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- Integrated model for personalised cancer care
Integrated model for personalised cancer care
NCL WideKey to the Personalised Cancer Care Strategy is an integrated model for personalised cancer care. Key changes from the current model are:
Every individual has a Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) conducted at diagnosis which results in a care plan to address the needs identified. This is regularly updated and visible to all health & care professionals involved in the individual’s care. Needs are addressed by referral or signposting into the appropriate services across the full range of local services available in NCL.
A person living with cancer, their primary care team and their specialist team are together responsible for the person’s care throughout their pathway and communicate closely to make shared decisions, aided for example by an End of Treatment Summary. The individual has clear single points of contact to speak to both in and out of hospital.
Every follow-up pathway is personalised. The individual is supported to have the confidence and ability to self-manage, where appropriate. A joint decision is made about follow-up at a Treatment Review outpatient appointment.
Individuals are able to access psychological support and rehabilitation at the level appropriate to them at any point on their pathway.
Implementation of this strategy is expected to result in an increase in need for staff time due to rising number of people with cancer, but to also lead to efficiencies across the system, as a healthier population that is confident and able to self-manage reduces demand on the system as a whole.
Our vision is for all people living with and affected by cancer in North Central London to have the best possible experience and outcomes through high-quality personalised care and support
A Personalised Cancer Care Strategy was drafted in 2021 (refreshed in 2024) has been developed with input from system partners including acute trusts, primary care, patient partners, and peers from local Cancer Alliances.
The scope of this strategy is all interventions and approaches that form personalised cancer care, for all people living or treated in North Central London, from diagnosis to follow-up. It interfaces with other key pieces of work in the Cancer Alliance, and will link with those accordingly.
This Personalised Cancer Care Strategy sets out the ambition and milestones for an integrated view of personalised cancer care and support for all people living with and affected by cancer in North Central London which incorporates meeting national personalised cancer care deliverables
Implementation of this strategy is expected to result in an increase in need for staff time due to rising number of people with cancer, but to also lead to efficiencies across the system, as a healthier population that is confident and able to self-manage reduces demand on the system as a whole.
Review date: Saturday, 11 October 2025