NCL Wide

All NCL GP practices are activated with SNOMED clinical terms (this replaced the old Read code clinical terms). This page contains useful information and resources to help you navigate the programme.

SNOMED CT coding

EMIS Now has created coding assistance articles to help practices use the system effectively. The resources focus on:

  • searches
  • concepts
  • template and protocol triggers
  • templates (including library item templates, using Code Browser and Last Coded Entry hierarchy components only)
  • document templates
  • care record filters.

You can request a SNOMED CT code to be considered for inclusion in the SNOMED CT EMIS Subset, and it will then become selectable in the code picker to be added to patient records.

Find out how to request SNOMED CT codes on the EMIS Now website.

NHS England national codes

You can request changes to SNOMED CT codes in the UK through the NHS England Request submission portal.

Additional resources

Review date: Tuesday, 01 April 2025