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PINC (Paediatric Integrated Network Co-ordination) MDT Meetings


Monthly MDT to discuss complex cases involving young people from 0-18 years.

Virtual meetings are available via Teams (NB children and young people and their families do not attend this meeting themselves, outcomes of discussion will be fed back to them via the referrer). For the meeting timetable, click the locality  link:

Eligibility Criteria


  • Islington resident
  • age 0-18 years
  • medical complexity that would benefit from MDT discussion
  • consent to discussion


  • young person or parent withholds consent for discussion in the MDT forum

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Referrals are welcome from any members of the PINC MDT, including secondary care, social care, health visiting, school nursing, family support as well as GPs.

Complete the Paediatric Integrated Network Co-ordination (PINC) Referral - Whittington referral form and email to whh-tr.INC@nhs.net

Where to find the form

  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Children Services
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Paediatric

Service Feedback

Suleefa Adesanu (PINC co-ordinators’ manager)



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Review date: Saturday, 04 January 2025