Long-Term Conditions Service: iCope


iCope has a long-term health conditions (LTC) pathway for adults with depression, anxiety and comorbid LTCs.

This pathway is part of iCope psychological therapies; it is a dedicated arm of the main service with the same referral processes and eligibility criteria.

Information about this LTC pathway is provided below and on the iCope website.

The iCope LTC pathway is for adults who:

  • meet existing iCope service eligibility criteria
  • have problems with depression and anxiety that co-occur with specific long-term physical health conditions, as listed on the physical health problems page of iCope's website
  • can attend regular outpatient appointments face-to-face or remotely (via video or phone) and can actively engage in structured psychological treatment.

Adults who are seeking practical or emotional support should not be directed to this service, instead consider social prescribing or community-based peer support for living with LTCs.

What is offered?

Adapted cognitive-behavioural interventions are offered to treat depression and anxiety disorders associated with iCope LTC pathway conditions.

Depression and anxiety disorders that iCope clinicians work with are listed on the psychological therapies page.

All interventions aim to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve quality of life and promote health-related self-management. Where appropriate, interventions include physical activity promotion.  

Interventions are time-limited, goal-focused and delivered by clinicians with specialist training in adapting cognitive behavioural therapy. They include:

  • one-to-one cognitive behaviour therapy (typically 12 sessions)
  • guided self-help (typically six sessions)
  • cognitive-behavioural group interventions.

Adults with LTCs that fall outside of the listed LTC pathway conditions may still be seen in the core iCope service if general iCope service eligibility criteria are met. Please note: the iCope LTC pathway is not designed for or recommended in the following circumstances:

  • there are intractable problems with care coordination and/or an adult's needs may be better addressed by clinical health psychology or specialist psychologists located in community or hospital-based teams
    • for example, in cases where an adult is bedbound/housebound and requires social care input, occupational therapy adjustments, or specialist home-based treatment then a community-team approach involving a community team psychologist may be more appropriate
    • alternatively, adults who require frequent and intensive hospital-based treatments or who are regular inpatient attenders may benefit from close multi-disciplinary liaison and specialist health psychology interventions
  • high medical risk is identified for adults with poor physical health management who require close medical monitoring or input due to risk of hospitalisation or rapid deterioration in their LTCs
  • notable frailty or high risk of falls is identified
    • a falls risk assessment and intervention would need to be in place prior to assessment or treatment in iCope
  • needs include significant memory deficits or cognitive impairment (e.g. dementia, brain injury) that may be better met by specialist services
  • needs include significant functional impairments in activities of daily living due to LTCs that have not been addressed
    • if ability to cook, clean, manage personal hygiene is severely impacted, then consider adult social care or occupational therapy assessment in the first instance
  • significant and active risk to self directly related to problematic LTC self-management is identified (e.g. medication misuse, hoarding of medications or medication refusal)

Visit iCope psychological therapies service for all relevant service downloads.

How to Refer

The quickest way for professionals to refer is via the iCope website. Please request the iCope LTC pathway and include relevant information about LTCs.

If you have any questions about suitability for the iCope service you can seek advice from the Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner or Psychological Therapist linked to your practice. If you do not know the clinician in your practice, you can contact iCope.

Where an adult has complex needs and there is any uncertainty about suitability for iCope, then please consult with the Camden primary care mental health network or Islington practice based mental health service who will be able to advise about the most suitable service and can liaise with iCope if necessary.

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals, Email

Complete the iCope LTC Referral Form - Camden & Islington and send to:

e: icopecamden.referrals@candi.nhs.uk (Camden)
e: icopeislington.referrals@candi.nhs.uk (Islington)

Where to find the form

  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Mental Health
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Mental Health


Patients can self-refer through the iCope website.

Alternatively, they can call:

t: 020 3317 6670 (Camden)
t: 020 3317 7252 (Islington)

Although iCope welcomes self-referrals, please do not encourage this for adults who do not meet iCope eligibility criteria.

There are also circumstances when it would be helpful to receive a GP or health professional referral rather than a self-referral. For example, where the adult being referred has a history of contact with mental health difficulties or previous contact with mental health services or when flagging any risk concerns. Sharing this information ensures iCope have adequate information when deciding on next steps after a referral is received.


iCope Islington

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Review date: Friday, 07 March 2025