Early Intervention Service (EIS)


The Islington Early Intervention Service is dedicated to the assessment and management of people who have presented to specialist mental health services with a first episode of psychosis.

The service aims to give people the best chance of recovery after a first episode of psychosis and reduce the severity of relapses.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Camden and Islington residents
  • aged 17.5 years +
    • those referred over the age of 65 will be considered on a case-by-case basis

and experiencing

  • first episode of psychosis at least once a week (unless curtailed by treatment before week is up)
  • a period of psychosis accompanied by significant risk of decline in functioning
  • psychosis not considered to be drug-induced 
  • symptoms not wholly explicable in context of post-traumatic stress disorder and/or personality disorder


  • not taking anti-psychotic medication for more than six weeks, unless this was started in the past three months


  • clear organic cause for the psychosis
  • pyschosis caused by drug use (a person was initially well, then acutely unwell following drug use, then made rapid recovery)

How to Refer

Referrals will be accepted from any agency, by email

Service Feedback

Review date: Tuesday, 01 October 2024