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  • Home Treatment Team: Mental Health Crisis Team for Older Adults

Home Treatment Team: Mental Health Crisis Team for Older Adults


The Camden & Islington Home Treatment Team provides short-term specialist support and treatment for those aged 65+ who are experiencing a mental health crisis. The team provide a rapid response, time-limited intervention for older adults in a mental health crisis, delivered in a person's home.

The service can provide:

  • daily home visits for support and treatment for up to six weeks
  • support 365 days of the year
  • multidisciplinary assessment
  • support and advice for family carers
  • medication management
  • occupational therapy
  • treatment for physical health issues
  • support to facilitate early discharge for inpatients mental health wards (e.g. Highgate Mental Health Centre).

The service aims to assess patients within four hours of receiving a referral (depending on the identified risks), and works with patients for a period up to six weeks, with initially daily visits (if tolerated) and an aim to reduce these gradually.

The team consists of mental health nurses, one occupational therapist, one discharge coordinator for older adults admitted to Highgate Mental Health Centre, and an assistant practitioner, with input from a part-time consultant psychiatrist.

Eligibility Criteria


  • patients aged 65+
  • patients with confirmed diagnosis of dementia (if the patient is under 65 but has non-alcohol related dementia, the service would accept the referral)
  • those at risk of admission to Highgate Mental Health Centre during a mental health crisis (both functional and organic clients).

How to Refer

8am-7pm Monday to Friday, 8am-4pm Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays

Call the team using the number above to make a referral.

Please note: Acceptance of a referral does not always mean the team will work with the client. The team will offer an assessment and then make a decision. The outcome of the assessment will always be sent to the GP via email.


Patients can self refer by calling the number above.

Service Feedback


Review date: Tuesday, 03 June 2025