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Genetics Service: North East Thames Regional

NCL Wide

Service for people who are at risk of a hereditary predisposition to cancer, discusses genetic investigations and options for cancer risk management.

More information about the service can be found in the Resources section.

Genetic testing criteria are set nationally by NHS England and may change. For detailed criteria for each genetic test (designated by an R number) and testing recommendations, please see the link in Resources. 

Consider referring patients who have been diagnosed with the following cancers, particularly if there is a young age of onset or significant family history:

  • Breast
  • Ovarian
  • Bowel
  • Renal
  • Endocrine
  • Pancreatic
  • Prostate
  • Large number of bowel polyps
  • Diffuse gastric tumour
  • Unusual tumour site or unusually young age of onset for that tumour type
  • Features of a syndrome cancer susceptibility condition

Those who have not been diagnosed with cancer but have a strong family history of cancer may be offered an appointment for assessment in certain circumstances.

Genetics services are based on GP surgery postcode. If you are unsure which service to send your patient to, please check the Cancer Genetics Services for Each Borough document in the Downloads section.

Eligibility Criteria


Please check referral guidelines, the national genomic test directory and postcodes before making referral.

  • The individual being referred should be affected with cancer (unless otherwise stated)
  • Individuals who are unaffected by cancer may be seen if there is a strong family history, and no affected relative available for genetic testing
  • All affected relatives should be on the same side of the family
  • It is essential that all ages of diagnosis are specified in the initial referral
  • Send a completed family history questionnaire (see Downloads) with your referral (see info about the appointment)
  • Whenever possible, send histology for cancer diagnoses with the referral
  • Adults who are at risk of carrying a mutation in a cancer predisposition gene which has been identified in a relative should be referred. Please provide a copy of the relative's genetic test result if possible.
  • Fulfilling the referral criteria does not mean a person will be seen in the genetics clinic. Each referral is reviewed individually, and advice will be given by letter if any appointment is not offered.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

Refer via e-RS

Complete the appropriate form NE Thames Cancer Genetics Referral Form - GOSH for your borough.

Where to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Cancer Genetics
  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Cancer > Cancer Genetics
  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > 2ww Cancer Pan-London > Cancer Genetics 
  • Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Cancer > Cancer Genetics 
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Cancer > Cancer Genetics

Service Feedback


Review date: Sunday, 23 February 2025