Standard referral form

NCL Wide

Making a good quality referral including all of the key information will help to make your patient's hospital consultation more effective. Giving adequate, accurate and relevant information in a referral is an obligation of all referring clinicians.

When making a referral, the appropriate service referral form listed in the EMIS global folder should be used where one exists.

Where no referral form exists, NCL ICB encourages the use of the NCL Standard Referral Form instead of a referral letter.

The NCL Standard Referral Form will be available through an EMIS F12 protocol which will enable:

  • prompting clinicians to first check for community service or existing service-specific referral forms
  • prompting clinicians to ensure EBICS criteria information is included where appropriate
  • the correct speciality coding of the referral through a speciality picker
  • option of creating an eRS Advice and Guidance letter for clinical queries, which can be sent specifically to our local trusts.
  • access to NCL clinical pathways

Please note: Practices will need to enable the 'NCL Standard Referral to Services' for their users on their F12 protocol launcher (See F12 Standard Referral set up guide).

The F12 Standard Referral protocol is presented as a soft launch, to support practices who want to opt to use it. If you have any feedback, contact the IT & Systems team

Compliance with Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag Information Standard

From April 2024 organisations must have a process in place to identify, record and flag reasonable adjustments using currently available local systems.

The presence of reasonable adjustments is integrated into the NCL Standardised Referral Form, with a clear indicator on first page and detailed RA information for hospital clinics added in referral appendix. The time consuming process of adding 200 possible fields to each practice referral template is done once centrally.  

If there is a template referral form available in the EMIS global folder, you should use this. If not, your referral letter should include:

  • a description of the reason for the referral; include the questions or concerns you and your patient are looking to have managed (clear and concise)
  • significant medical history and relevant family history
  • current medication and medication previously tried relevant to the referral
  • any drug or other allergies.

Contact details should include:

  • full patient contact details, including name, DOB, address, current mobile (and landline) phone number and email
  • patient NHS number (do not refer a patient without a known NHS number as this will be returned)
  • referring clinician's name, practice name, address, practice phone number and email.

You should always see if there is a clinical pathway (typically NCL or NICE CKS) relevant to your referral, as a number of referrals are sent back for review because they do not appear to have followed these pathways. It is helpful to identify why a pathway is not being followed.

The NCL clinical pathways show essential criteria marked in pink boxes within the flow diagrams.

If a referral is rejected by the hospital, you may receive a standard letter and this will not necessarily provide a clear reason as to why the rejection has been issued. It is the responsibility of the referrer to review/discuss this with the patient and modify the referral if required.

  1. With the increased use of one-stop outpatient appointments, it is becoming more important that patients are pre-investigated (where relevant) and that reasonable primary care management strategies have been tried before referral. Secondary care also regards this as important, as in some specialties it is further triaging the referrals. This should be openly discussed with patients.
  2. For most routine cases it is important to wait until all the investigations and results are available to attach so that returns to practices are minimised.
  3. If a patient has previously been seen for the same condition and you do not have access to the previous clinic letters, record this in the letter as it will prevent the referral being returned to you requesting these.
  4. Advice and Guidance can help with any clinical queries; try to be specific with the question you are looking to answer to avoid a general reply.
  5. To expedite appointments already in the system, direct these queries to the provider via eRS: Hospital contacts for chasing eRS issues
  6. Each patient referral must be made separately. An individual UBRNs should contain a single referral for a single speciality and patient (multiple patients or more than one referral for the same patient, should not be sent on the same UBRN).

Review date: Thursday, 15 January 2026