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Update to safety bulletin for adrenaline auto injector

NCL Wide

Safety bulletin adrenaline auto injector (AAI) has been reviewed and updated to include the latest recommendations from the MHRA, NICE guidance and advice from the UK Resuscitation Council and Anaphylaxis UK. 

The updated bulletin includes:

  • signposting to resources for the safe use of AAIs
  • advice for healthcare professionals and advice for healthcare professionals to provide to patients and carers
  • prescribing advice on AAI devices and the number of AAI devices to be prescribed 
  • use of spare AAI devices in schools
March 2025, v1.2 - Review date disclaimer

Adrenaline Auto Injectors (AAI) - NCL Medicines Safety Bulletin

Safety bulletin NCL Wide
Expiry date: Saturday, 24 May 2025