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RFL update: Changes to colorectal bleed clinic referrals

NCL Wide

The Royal Free Hospital's colorectal one stop clinic has closed.

Since the introduction of faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) referrals, the clinic is no longer required. GPs are asked to FIT test patients with lower gastrointestinal symptoms such as rectal bleeding, anorectal pain, or changes in bowel habits.

Patients with a FIT>10 should be referred to the colorectal straight to test (STT) clinic or the colorectal surgery outpatient clinic using the urgent suspected cancer pathway.

Patients with an ongoing clinical concern with a FIT<10 should be referred to the colorectal surgery outpatient clinic via the routine referral pathway for further investigations.

For further information, contact Stacey Barnes, Assistant Operations Manager for general, emergency, and colorectal surgery.

Faecal Immunochemical Test (<10)

A FIT<10 NG12 follow up pathway is in use in NCL, separate to the suspected lower GI cancer pathway NCL Wide

Urgent Suspected Cancer: Lower GI

Guidance and referral information for urgent suspected lower gi cancers, previously called the two-week wait (2WW) pathway NCL Wide

Colorectal Surgery Clinic: RFH

Colorectal surgery clinic at Royal Free Hospital NCL Wide
Expiry date: Sunday, 18 May 2025