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Prolonged-release opioids: Removal of indication for relief of post-operative pain

NCL Wide

The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have issued a Drug Safety Update for prolonged-release opioids.

The indication for the treatment of post-operative pain has been removed from the licences of all prolonged release opioids due to the increased risk of persistent post-operative opioid use (PPOU) and opioid-induced ventilatory impairment (OIVI).

It is not recommended to use transdermal patches for the treatment of post-operative pain.

On discharge from hospital patients should only be prescribed a sufficient amount of immediate-release opioids to treat acute post-operative pain to minimise the risk of PPOU, dependence, stock piling of unused opioids and potential for diversion. A pain management plan should also be communicated with the primary care practice taking over care in the community. 

Expiry date: Sunday, 25 May 2025