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NCL Primary Care Access Recovery Plan seeks feedback from practices

NCL Wide

As part of the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan (PCARP) practices were allocated transition and transformation funding, intended to support implementation of changes to move towards the nationally-described Modern General Practice model.

Practices were able to access funding in either 2023-24 or 2024-25. Prior to accessing the funding practices were asked to describe how the transition and transformation funding would be used, in line with the requirements of the national funding guidance, to support adoption of the Modern General Practice Access Model within a year of receiving the payment.

Whilst recognising that many practices are continuing to iterate and adapt their operating model, now at the end of the formal 2-year national PCARP programme, practices that have received this funding will need to complete a survey that will enable NCL ICB to understand the point that practices have reached in implementing changes.

To fulfil the commitment to report back on progress, practices are asked to complete the short survey.

The survey closes on Wednesday 30 April 2025.

General Practice Access Support

Supports transition of National Access Recovery Programme to Modern General Practice model
Expiry date: Saturday, 17 May 2025