Staff vaccinations

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In Healthcare settings, arrangements for preventing exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases are essential. Staff are at risk from infectious diseases through their work, and in order to mitigate such risk, practices must ensure that staff working have had the appropriate immunisations. 
On this page there are three essential documents related to Staff Vaccination:

  • staff vaccination guidance slide pack, which details why we vaccinate staff and who has the responsibility for vaccinating staff
  • staff vaccine checklist, a spreadsheet which practices should be using to monitor staff vaccination statuses and risk assessments
  • letter for staff to take to their registered GP practice, a letter which your practice staff can take to their registered GP Practice to request vaccinations.

Flu vaccinaton for staff

In order to protect patients and minimise staff absence over autumn and winter, it is essential that all staff working in primary care are offered a flu vaccination.

Practices are able to vaccinate their own staff using the written instructions produced by the Specialist Pharmacy Service. Once signed and adopted it allows named registered nurses to administer the seasonal influenza vaccination to the organisation’s staff, including as a peer to peer vaccinator.

Practice staff (including locum doctors) can also be vaccinated by their own registered GP or by visiting a community pharmacy in London (must show NHS ID at appointment).

It is also essential that all primary care staff flu vaccinations are recorded manually on ImmForm. This must be done monthly using the Flu Monthly HCWs (GP/ISHCP) 2020/21 menu option.

Review date: Wednesday, 03 September 2025