Childhood immunisations (5-18)

NCL Wide

The following vaccinations are due for those aged between 5 and 18 years old:

  • 11-13 years: HPV (protects against cancers cause by human papillomavirus (HPV), including cervical cancer in women, some head and neck cancers and anogenital cancers in both men and women)
  • Around 14 years: Td/IPV and MenACWY (protects against tetanus, diphtheria, polio and meningitis ACWY respectively).

Practices should note that the Children’s and Young People’s Community Immunisation Service (CYPCIS, formerly known as SAIS – School Aged Immunisation Service) deliver these vaccinations primarily in schools. Information about the CYPCIS providers for each of the boroughs can be seen below.

From 1 September 2024, Vaccination UK is the sole provider for the CYPCIS across all 5 NCL boroughs.

The CYPCIS service is a 0-19 immunisation service, encompassing the specific programmes - neonatal BCG, seasonal school-aged flu, the teenage immunisation programmes (HPV, Men ACWY & Td/IPV). There are additional opportunities within the service for catchup/mop up and collaborative working across systems  

Borough Provider Telephone number Email address
Barnet Vaccination UK 020 8432 7075
Camden Vaccination UK 020 4603 3495
Enfield Vaccination UK 020 8150 7505
Haringey Vaccination UK 020 8017 7925
Islington Vaccination UK 020 8107 7926
ProviderVaccination UK
Telephone number020 8432 7075
ProviderVaccination UK
Telephone number020 4603 3495
ProviderVaccination UK
Telephone number020 8150 7505
ProviderVaccination UK
Telephone number020 8017 7925
ProviderVaccination UK
Telephone number020 8107 7926


Child vaccinations done by SAIS providers: Process for GP practices

Practices will receive emails regarding vaccinations given by the SAIS providers.

These emails will contain the information about children on your registered list that have had a vaccination administered by the schools team. These details need to be added to EMIS on the day that the vaccine was administered and as done by another healthcare provider. This is the process that is already used for immunisations done by the SAIS team (flu, HPV etc), and it will now also be used to let you know about any catch-up vaccinations that the schools team do.

Important: Please ensure that there is a regular process in place for this data entry in your practice.

Please note that you will still receive emails from CHIS, and these may also include the details of vaccinations for these children as the CYPCIS team also send details to CHIS. Due to data reporting dates, there may be duplication and some of these children may appear on both lists.

Review date: Wednesday, 03 September 2025