From 1 September 2024, two new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination programmes will be introduced. This follows guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. These are:

  1.  A programme for older adults aged 75 to 79 years old
  2.  A programme for pregnant women to protect infants

You can read more on the new vaccination programme in the press release from the Department of Health and Social Care published 17 July 2024.

The RSV vaccination document collection is available, as well as updates to the Green Book, new resources for healthcare professionals, leaflets and posters and the systems letter from UKHSA and NHS England, can be downloaded or found via the resources on this page.

In early July 2024, UKHSA held two webinars aimed at healthcare professionals involved in the commissioning and delivery of the new vaccine programme. Links to these webinars are are available on the RSV webinar Google drive.

The Prevention and Vaccination presented an overview of the RSV vaccine programme at both the GP webinar and Primary Care Operational Group in July 2024, the slides from the presentation can be found on the right-hand side of this page.

Adult RSV vaccination schedule

Implementation stage Age attained (years) within first programme year (1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025) Completion date


New routine immunisation 75 years old on or after 01/09/24    Eligible for routine programme offered single dose of RSV vaccine on or after their 75th birthday
One-off catch-up within first year of programme Those aged 75-79 years old on 01/09/24 31/08/25 (majority) Eligible for routine programme offered single dose of RSV vaccine on or after their 75th birthday
  Individuals aged 80 years 31/08/25 (majority) In line with JCVI guidance, Individuals will remain eligible until the day of the 80th birthday with exception of people who turn 80 in the first year who have until 31/8/25 to be vaccinated


Searches to identify the first cohort who will require call/recall from September 2024 have been created and information on how to find these searches can be found on this page. A Preparation for RSV Delivery GP Toolkit (similarly to the shingles version created last year ahead of the changes to the shingles schedule) has been released and available to download on this page to support with the new programme.

Further resources, including fully translated and accessible resources, will be shared in the coming weeks.  

Review date: Wednesday, 03 September 2025