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Bowel Cancer Screening and the Learning Disability Population


Bowel Cancer Screening and the Learning Disability Population

The Islington Learning Together webinars are an opportunity for primary, secondary and community care colleagues to come together once a month to learn together on clinical topics and strengthen working relationships. 

The webinar series is led by Islington Training Hub's integrated learning lead, Dr Sam Preston. Each webinar includes guest speakers who will present on thematically linked topics, followed by time for audience Q&A.   

This session will look at an overview of bowel cancer screening and look at some of the barriers for uptake, including looking at the uptake for Islington. It will also focus on the impact of the bowel screening programme on the learning disability population and how Islington Learning Together can support these patients to attend and increase numbers.


  • Vanessa Nzekwu, Health Promotion Lead, UCLH Bowel Cancer Screening Centre
  • Jasmin Oven, Health Facilitator for Cancer Screening, Camden and Islington Learning Disability services

For further information, contact the Islington training hub: Igpf.islingtontraininghub@nhs.net