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- Leg Ulcer Management LCS
Leg Ulcer Management LCS
CamdenLeg Ulcer Management LCS
The LCS sets out a clear and consistent approach to the successful management and resolution of leg ulcers in primary care. The service is commissioning a ‘primary care first’ approach to leg ulcer management with activity shifting from hospital and urgent care centres, to primary care.
This LCS sits outside the 22/23 Universal Offer although aligns to its principles and general requirements. All Camden-registered patients must have access to this service. The existing commissioned post-operative wound care service, which is included in the Universal Offer, will remain in place with unchanged eligibility criteria.
Service aims
- To ensure that ambulatory patients requiring management of leg ulcers have access to enhanced support within primary care, enabling continuity of care and consistent review.
- To provide access to dedicated support within primary care in order that patients do not need to attend Urgent and Emergency Departments and Walk in Centres to have their leg ulcers managed.
- To reduce the variation in leg ulcer care across Camden and to ensure evidence-based best practice.
- To collect data to better define prevalence of chronic leg ulcers in Camden, in order to improve services and inform future commissioning.
Specification Document
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Leg Ulcer Management LCS specification (April 2024-March 2025)
NCL WideReview date: Tuesday, 22 July 2025