These pages are currently under development. Please bear with us as we finalise changes.
This page contains a set of resources for cancer patients.
We would encourage GP practices to add these resources to their practice websites.
The CRUK animated guidance video for FIT bowel cancer screening is an excellent resource in demonstrating to patients how to complete the new FIT screening test and what to expect after taking the test. See links, right.
NCL has developed specific 2WW patient information leaflets for several 2WW pathways in NCL.
All 2WW suspected cancer referral forms already have a link to the generic Pan-London COVID-19 2WW patient information leaflet (developed April 2020) with the following wording: I have advised the patient that they should prioritise this appointment. I have offered the pan-London COVID-19 patient information leaflet. Offering written patient information increases patient experience and reduces non-attendance. These are available in 11 different languages.
For the following 2WW pathways, you may prefer to use our locally developed patient information leaflets, as they have more information and guidance for patients, adapted very slightly to be available for use during COVID-19. Please note: the local patient information leaflets are only available in English; unlike the generic Covid leaflet, they are not available in 11 different languages.
Please refer your patients to this service.
Macmillan Cancer Advocacy supports patients (aged 50 or over and residing in NCL) to make informed choices about their cancer treatment and care. An advocate by their side through their cancer journey can help them feel more in control of their situation.
Why are we asking you to refer?
- it enables your patients to engage at an early stage of their cancer journey and may help to avoid crises at a later stage
- advocates help patients prepare for meetings and make them more effective for all
- it is widely recognised that many older people need support in making treatment choices
- no other cancer service provides this kind of advocacy support.
We can help your patients with:
- end of life care planning
- attending hospital appointments with consultants or multi-disciplinary meetings
- liaising with occupational therapists regarding adaptations
- raising concerns about their care
- other common advocacy issues, eg. accommodation, equipment, social and leisure options
We have a committed, knowledgeable, experienced and skilled team of staff and volunteer advocates. Advocacy is available in Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital, Whittington Hospital, North Middlesex Hospital and UCLH Hospital and has been providing free, confidential and independent advocacy services to NCL residents for a number of years.
CRUK's National Cancer Diagnosis Audit (NCDA) combines primary and secondary care data from patients diagnosed with cancer to better understand pathways to cancer diagnosis.
- 1 in 4 GP practices in England took part in the audit
- 1 in 5 pathways to cancer diagnosis for new primaries was audited
The audit seeks to gather data about:
- interval length from patient presentation to diagnosis as well as number of consultations before referral
- use of investigations and safety netting prior to referral
- types of referrals, including detailed information about cancers diagnosed as emergencies
- perceived avoidable delays in cancer diagnosis.
The data from the NCDA 2018 will help…
- to understand the patterns of cancer diagnosis for all cancer types across the UK, post 2015 NICE guidance on cancer referrals (NG12)
- with assessing the implementation and impact of NG12 guidelines
- to establish a baseline of cancer pathways prior to:
- work commencing on the LTP ambition, as well as the QOF QI module and PCN Specification on early diagnosis
- the coronavirus pandemic in 2020
For more information and support contact a Cancer Research UK Facilitator or the Central NCDA Team
w: National Cancer Diagnosis Audit
A package of support is available to help increase the take up of cancer screening by people with learning disabilities: a 20-minute film; easy read materials; and a questionnaire. The project was produced by Barnet Mencap, funded by NCL Cancer Alliance and commissioned by Barnet’s Public Health Team and is intended for patients who live in Barnet, Camden, Islington, Enfield and Haringey.
The video (see right) Cancer Screenings for People with Learning Disabilities - made for and by patients with learning disabilities - focuses on breast, bowel, and cervical cancers. Aimed at patients, family carers and services which support people with learning disabilities.
The film shows people what cancer is, how screening helps people to get an earlier diagnosis, and how treatment and can save lives. It features a cast with learning disabilities and health professionals and illustrates why people don’t take up the chance of screening and how they can confidently use the screening services. It shows what families and paid staff can do to support people with LD, providing them with information, reassurance, and encouragement.
It has been cut into smaller chunks on individual cancer screening if this is a more helpful way to access the video (see below). Please note: these are just a cut, so do not have the polish of the full version.