Measles and MMR

NCL Wide

Measles cases are still occurring, and increasing, in London. UKHSA has shared a document, labelled ‘Resurgence of Measles in London’ (available to view from this webpage), with key information for GP practices on dealing with the increase in measles cases and the continued ask for MECC (Making Every Contact Count) in relation to vaccinating unvaccinated patients with the MMR vaccine.

North Central London’s Measles Preparedness Action plan is being followed and you can see more about support available in the Measles Preparedness, Six Actions document.

At the beginning of 2024, there was a national MMR campaign, whilst the campaign has concluded, please refer to the MMR Campaign GP Support Guidance Toolkit, and supplementary support documents, to continue with MMR delivery at your practice. 

Review date: Wednesday, 03 September 2025