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- Childhood immunisations (0-5)
- HealtheIntent Childhood Immunisations Dashboard
HealtheIntent Childhood Immunisations Dashboard
NCL WideThe HealtheIntent Childhood Immunisations Dashboard has been updated with the addition of a Measles page to support the measles catch-up campaign.
Summary of changes
- MMR Metrics: updated dose 1 and 2 metrics on the ‘overview page’ to include all QOF clusters, aligning with QOF V1003 business rules, excluding early vaccinations before age 1
- time series chart: allows selection of multiple vaccinations
- data quality page: page simplified by removing tiles with very small numbers
- new measles page: shows coverage and numbers still unvaccinated for children up to age 11.
Measles Page
- global filters: data filtered using ‘care team’, ‘IMD decile’, ‘main language’, and ‘ethnicity subcategory’ from the overview page
- data views: tables/charts show ‘% uptake’ and ‘not vaccinated’ numbers, filterable by MMR dose and age
- visualisations: includes KPIs, heat maps, ward maps, and charts by ethnicity, IMD quintile, and main language
- interactive elements: charts and tables can be used as filters. For example, click on a ward, or an ethnicity, language or age group in any of the charts and all other charts in the dashboard will filter to that selection
- patient list: for users with access to patient lists an MMR vaccination patient list is available, filterable by care team, MMR dose status, and reasons for missing doses. This is similar to the patient list that covers all imms, but focuses on measles and extends the age up to 11 whereas the other patient list is limited to under 6s.
Access Instructions
You can access the dashboard at nlhcr.analytics.eu.healtheintent.com using your NHS Mail login. From the homepage, click ‘All Projects’ in the top left, select your relevant project area (e.g., Analytics Reports for GPs), and open the report ‘Childhood Immunisations Dashboard 2024-25’.
Measles Insights Report
We are pleased to introduce the HealtheIntent Insights Report, highlighting key findings from our Childhood Immunisations Dashboard, with a focus on MMR2.
Key Highlights
- MMR1 rates: NCL are 3% above London but lags 4% behind the England average
- MMR2 rates: NCL are 3% above London but lags 6.8% behind the England average
- uptake disparities: linked to geography, socioeconomics, and ethnicity, suggesting targets for public health action
- public health risks: low rates risk measles resurgence, especially among ethnic minorities, potentially increasing health inequalities.
This report provides a snapshot of the broader data available on the dashboard, with an extra focus on MMR2. For a more comprehensive view of uptake for both doses please explore the full Childhood Immunisations Dashboard on HealtheIntent.
If you have any access issues or questions, please contact the helpdesk at nclicb.digitalhelpdesk@nhs.net.
Screenshot of the Measles page:
Review date: Wednesday, 03 September 2025