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Translated MMR communications available to support your conversations

NCL Wide

This a reminder that North Central London Integrated Care Board (ICB) recently mailed laminated copies of information sheets about measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), to all practices to aid conversations with patients.

Translated versions of these resources are available on the practice resources page, in the Immunisations & Vaccinations section (see link below). Translations of the vaccine schedule for 0-5s poster are also available on the same page. These resources can be shared within your networks. 

In response to rising cases of measles and whooping cough (pertussis) the ICB has written to all dentists, optometrists and pharmacists asking for their help to signpost service users to their GP practice nurse or midwife for advice about the pertussis and MMR vaccines. The request is voluntary, but it is hoped that it will have an impact on uptake. 

Practice Resources

Useful visual aids to support childhood immunisations conversations with parents
Expiry date: Sunday, 11 August 2024